Friday, 4 December 2009

Organ Trafficking - Chilling facts

It is heartening to know how human organ donation has saved and boosted countless lives. But, nothing can escape from the eyes of money-minded culprits. Human organ trade is illicit in most parts of the world. To be legal, organ donors must follow lawful procedures, moreover Urgency and compatibility of the recipients should be the priority. Afterall, poor people should also be able to afford life-saving organ transplants.

Low cost & availability boosted the business from around the world & has transformed India into one of the largest kidney transplant centres in the world.

Inspite of all the surveillance from the rest of the world, organs are being harvested from executed prisoners.

Lack of proper regulations against organ trade made Israel a central point for the international organ trade.

In the United States, brokers demand higher amount of money for organs from the wealthy patients and usually pay the donors far less.

Extreme poverty in some parts of Egypt led their people to sell their organs for a cheaper price tag. According to the Ministry of Health, mostly Arabs are hunting organs on the black market. In some cases, patients are being dumped on the streets from the illegal clinics while still unconscious, because of doctor's panic.

In Iran, kidney sales are regulated, which reduces their demand & some countries like Singapore, Belgium, Spain and Austria has presumed consent laws. No matter what, organ donation scandals & theft never stopped raising its heads.

Kindly have a little look at my "External Links" section for further information on this topic.

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