Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Fundraising ideas

The term Fundraising sounds Herculean, but extremely fun. We are indirectly letting others to contribute. We don't have to be a celebrity to raise funds for charities. Just be ready to break the pattern when it comes to fundraising. Think & do something different from your routine. Here are a few simple ideas that don't need much pressure.
- Fundraising events: Huge charitable organisations coordinate sports activities, that you can take part.
- Market stall: Setting up a small stall comprising of hand-made products like knitwear, wooden toys, dolls,... on various fun & village festivals.
- Selling used stuff online: Fancy term for this is Recycling. Ebay is one of the simplest & inexpensive ways to do this. People are generally interested in buying unwanted gifts, books, games, CD/DVDs & home decoration items on bargain.
- Make use of online fundraising sites such as JustGiving, FirstGiving, etc,...
- Food stall: If we can cook for our family, then we can surely do this. Just try preparing some easy peezy snacks like cookies, chips, local delicacies, muffins, cup cakes for kids & so on. This idea would never go wrong on a nice day.
All this is going to be easy and fun, when you have some like-minded souls besides you.
Last but not the least, be careful while selecting charities. Focus on really functional charitable organisations. The onus is on us to decide the best ones that needs our help.

A lot of people are daft and depressed, because they have good reason to be. A therapist session won't change that, unless they do something that unburdens their stresses. The question "HOW" always leads us in a puzzled state of mind. Hope the posts in "Good Cause" answers some of yours. Kindly have a little look at my "External Links" section for further information about the charitable organisations.

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